Lapine Maw Tun Awng

Deputy Minister

He has been working for community development activities in the civil society field for 15 years.

Especially, during the last decade he has been conducting strategic cooperation, coordination and policy advocacy for the development of policy and laws that focus on reducing or having no social and environmental impacts, protection of indigenous people rights, and serve in the interest of the public by working with different stakeholders such as government, ministries, hluttaw (parliament), CSOs, private sector, INGOs, and medias.

During that period, he has also been carrying out the drafting of research papers, policy brief, research reports, rule and regulations, while providing technical support to the capacity building training and workshop.

Furthermore, he has also provided CSOs, political parties, and government actors with the technical support related to natural resource management.

The organizations that he has worked for 15 years include Myanmar Compassion Project, World Vision Myanmar, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Spectrum-SDKN, Another Development, and Natural Resource Governance Institute, to which he took a leadership role as a country manager.

In 2015, he cofounded and worked as a strategic consultant for Another Development which is a research think tank group that aims at supporting the effective implementation of public policy.

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